Happy Healthy Bees



It is our belief that quantity cannot supersede quality in the bee business. It is our goal to keep our bees healthy and happy. To do so we use positive thinking, hard work, and a wonderful team.

We are fourth generation beekeepers.

We moved to California in 1993, and like many other beekeepers, started with just a few hives. Now we produce queens and queen cells. Specifically, Italian Queens as they are very productive.

Using cutting edge technology, we provide to our bees and queens, healthy nutrition food and preventative treatments in order to help them reach high standard quality.

Our queens work in north states, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Florida, New Mexico, Louisiana, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Romania, France, and more

Check out our YouTube Channel


Contact Us

Phone: (530) 671-6188

Email: orders@anbees.com

Our Location

7903 Hwy 20
Meridian, Ca 95957